Chermside Wellness Challenge

The Members of Chermside Ward in an effort to be more healthy and to follow the Word of Wisdom found in D&C 89 to receive the promise given there:

"And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; and shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowlege, even hidden treasures; and shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint. And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen." D&C 89:18-21

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 1

Okay-it's time for the moment of truth. How did everyone do this week? Post your points in the comments of this blog.


  1. Simone Antuar says...I earned 64 points last week. Now on to week 2...

  2. Trish Ferguson - 58 points for me. (Darn those weekends) Now on to week 2 and need to try harder next week end.

  3. Here are my goals for this fortnight. Though 58 points was good for last week. I let myself down on the weekend, and am very disappointed with myself (but not beating myself up, it's just re-set and go)to look at my chart and realise that I let myself down in the most important areas, morning and evening prayer and scripture reading. Through the week was fine, probably because working full time I am a little more organised.
    1. 15 plant foods per day (did it everyday with even more than 15 - have lost close to 2kg this week)
    2. Vitamins
    3. Kiss Husband (easy thing)
    4. 7 hours of sleep (is easy to do when you're not well
    5. 5,000 steps per day minimum (also did Zumba class and worked out the furtherest ladies room from my desk is 140 steps there and 140 steps back) do that 6 times per day and that's plenty of steps)
    6. Pray morning and night (on my knees, and not in bed. Obviously Jill we all do it)
    7. Read scriptures 15 minutes (read scriptures, pray in bed - not this week)
    8. Pay someone a compliment - a differnt person every day (it's amazing how good that makes you feel)
    9. Read a good book for 30 minutes - just finished Pres. Hales book "Return" - highly recommended (my time, down time)
    10. 2 Litres of water per day. (Have done it everyday this week, hence 6-7 trips to the loo)
    All in all feeling very positive about myself and my life, except for this horrible chest infection.
    Have a great 2nd week everyone.

  4. I made it this week. 68 points. The hardest part was the workout. It's getting harder to workout with my very pregnant body, but after a couple of days it wasn't so hard and I actually felt really good.

  5. Um, I only got 53 points this week. Blame it on the rain. I'll try harder next week.

  6. I had a perfect score from Monday to Friday, but on the weekend I was out of routine. 64 points for me! This rain makes getting out and walking rather tricky!

  7. Danise Krautz said...I did manage to get all 10 goals done each day last week.
    I have hurt my back and hip, so I have done light exercising to count. Gardening is counted towards the time etc.
    Hope that is not cheating too much. Rough getting all that water into me as well. Still, I am feeling good about lots of the stuff I HAVE TO DO!

    So, I think she's at 68 too! Great job!

  8. Val Felschow earned 68 points!

  9. I only made it to 50 points for the week :( but I have some extra things I feel I need to share so I'll explain where I went wrong in a separate blog piece....

  10. Inga Wrigley said...Oh what a week....the positive spin is this...It can only get better right! Here's to a disastrous week with a total of 43.
