Chermside Wellness Challenge

The Members of Chermside Ward in an effort to be more healthy and to follow the Word of Wisdom found in D&C 89 to receive the promise given there:

"And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; and shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowlege, even hidden treasures; and shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint. And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen." D&C 89:18-21

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 3

Sorry Everyone I'm late! Please post your points for Week 3!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 2

Hi Everyone... Time to post points for Week 2. Is everyone feeling more healthy?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My plan!

Hello to all!

Sorry to unload in this forum, but I need the extra push to stick to my plans and goals sometimes... And I figure this is as supportive a place as I'll find :)

I realised recently that this month I will turn (eek!) 27, and that I've just gone back to uni. Now I know it's a good thing to be furthering my education etc. etc. but I still feel a little down about admitting I'm back to being a student. So, in light of me getting old and frankly needing to put myself out on the dating scene, and to help me stick to my goals and to wade through my new uni work as quickly as I can, I decided if I let you all know exactly how well/bad I do and then I'll be more inclined to be good!

With this in mind, I chose a lot of goals that I'm not up to yet, but I am working towards them and that is what matters - my the end of this challenge (which happens to coincide nicely with YSA convention, yay!) I will be definately getting my full points each day :)

As a little side note, but it kinda ties in really well, I joined Jenny Craig to help me lose the weight that has been slowly creeping on over the years; and more recently seeming to jump on to me after my knee injury. Now it just so happened that I joined Jenny on the Wednesday before this challenge started, so my weight loss is going to form part of my weekly point score - again, I think the public disclosure of this will keep me more motivated to stick to it!

Hope I haven't bored you too much by this point, here are my daily goals:
1 - Stick to my Jenny food plan (no extras, no skipping meals)
2 - Complete my 10, 000 steps (this is a work-in-progress one I'm afraid)
3 - Daily Scripture Study
4 - Conscientiously increase water intake to 2L (this is particularly hard for me so I decided that on the days where I work to increase my water intake, that counts; eventually I'll get to 2L/day)
5 - Eat my daily salad! (most definately not a big salad eater, this is one I have to work on....)
6 - Snuggle with my kitty cat, Bastion (sometimes he feels left out so I need to take the time with him - yes, he is a little needy, and has some separation issues...)
7 - Do at least one cleaning chore (at the moment I'm in the habit of leaving it all till cleaning day, and that isn't going to bode well when I get to the point where I'm living with a signigificant other)
8 - Pack food for tomorrow (help me resist takeaway, and with the salad)
9 - Some form of exercise, purely exercise
10 - Get into bed by 10pm (which will hopefully help with my fatigue issues that are bubbling away at the moment).

Here's to working on our personal goals!!!!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 1

Okay-it's time for the moment of truth. How did everyone do this week? Post your points in the comments of this blog.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Good Morning Day 3 and feeling the challenge. I've set my 10 goals and since Monday I feel like I'm racing against the clock! Monday I raced the clock and achieved 8 of my 10 goals...which was ACHIEVEMENT plus! Tuesday I challenged myself even more and got 9. So today sees me changing it up and fingers crossed I can make the perfect 10....once again I'm racing the clock and trying to be smarter with my time when baby is I'm off to zumba!!! Good luck everyone...may the force be with you!!!

Chermside Ward Wellness Challenge: Make your goals

Chermside Ward Wellness Challenge: Make your goals: "Now is the time to be thinking about the goals you will have. If you feel comfortable, please post some goals you will have on the comments ..."

Goals or Confessions?!

Seeing as Becky has made her goals public, I thought I'd be brave and share mine too. Here goes!

1. Walk/Swim/Ride at least half an hour. (It's only Day 2, but Paul, myself, Simone, Renae and Mum and have all hit the streets at 6:00am yesterday and today.)
2. Drink at least 1½ litres of water. (2 litres is just too much for me at the moment, but 1½ seems to work.)
3. Eat at least 3 pieces of fruit.
4. Eat at least 4 vegetables.
5. Remember morning prayers. (I had a tendency to rush off to work without this sometimes - tut, tut!)
6. Kneel for evening prayers. (After reading my scriptures, I would be lazy and pray in bed - not anymore!)
7. Make a journal or blog entry (you're reading today's!)
8. Make the bed (simple yes, but it usually didn't happen!)
9. Have the kitchen clean before going to bed (no more dirty dishes to wake up to!)
10. Plan ahead for the evening meal (defrost, slow cook, etc before going to work)

Even after just 2 days, I'm feeling much more organised. I wasn't excited about this challenge at first. I'm not a 'make a list, check a box' kind of person; but there were things I wanted to improve on, so I decided to give it a go. Having others in the house doing it too helps a lot!

I'm listening to the rain outside the window right now - hope it clears before tomorrow morning's walk!

My Goals

Here are my goals. Maybe this will give you a good idea of what is expected in the challenge.

1. 30 min cardio or strength training (I walk or do Pilates or swim or a combination of several things, walking up and down stairs consecutively, kegels, etc.)
2. No sugar (my general rule is no more than 4 g sugar per serving and no sugar listed as one of the first 2 ingredients unless it's a fruit. Basically, I'm avoiding refined sugars in desserts, biscuits, etc, but I also don't eat sweetened yogurt unless sweetened by fruit.
3. Multi-vitamin (I have trouble remembering to take my pre-natal vitamins, so this helps me remember)
4. 7 hours of sleep (This is a great one for me since I have a tendency to go to bed too late and get up too early)
5. 2 litres of water
6. 5 fruits or veggies
7. 15 min. personal time (This is sometimes the toughest one, but I count driving in the car without kids and not listening to anything, reading a good book or playing the piano)
8. Kiss my husband (definitely healthy)
9. Contact a friend
10. Write in journal